About Webhooks


What are they?

Webhooks are events we send to your pre-set endpoints via HTTP POST requests. They serve as a means of notification for when verification(s) has been completed.

Which Verifications require webhooks?

At the moment the following verifications require webhooks to be set:

  • Address Verification

  • Guarantor Verification

How do I add my webhook?

Webhooks can be added from your VerifyMe account dashboard

Webhook Signature

Webhook signatures are a means for you to verify if a webhook originated from our servers. All webhooks events have the x-verifyme-signature HTTP header which is a hash of the body of the request and your secret key.

Sample Code

const crypto = require('crypto')

// your api secretkey ( testSecretKey or liveSecretKey)
const secretKey= process.env.SECRET_KEY

const WebhookHandler = (req , res ) =>{
    const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha512', secretKey).update(JSON.stringify(res.body)).digest('hex');
    if(signature === req.headers['x-verifyme-signatue']){
        // Source of the webhook is verified , Add logic here

Last updated